fun quizzes

smoothe river rock
Which Higurashi When They Cry Character Are You?
Which Higurashi When They Cry Character Are You?
What Vocaloid Are You?
What Vocaloid Are You?

Which Bootleg Sailor Moon Alarm Clock Are You?
Which Bootleg Sailor Moon Alarm Clock Are You?
Hosted By Anime
What Anime Flower Symbol Are You?
What Anime Flower Symbol Are You?
Hosted By Anime
What Style Fits You?
What Style Fits You?
Hosted By Anime
What type of otaku are you?
What type of otaku are you?
Hosted By Anime pure
I'm an African Dwarf Frog!
African Dwarf Frogs are social creatures. They like to swim all day in warm water (76-78*F) and make excellent pets for beginners because they don't require live crickets for food! They eat frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp.

What kind of Frog are you?

I 	am a Killer Clown! Click here to take the clown quiz!

quzzes done feb2025

fursona quizzes

Your Fursona is a


Result Image
The Canine Companion! đŸ¶

Your commitment to your loved ones is unwavering. Much like a dog's loyalty to its owner, you stand by your friends and family through thick and thin. Also, you’re clearly a playful and adventurous spirit, making sure every waking moment is an opportunity for joy and excitement.

People love you for your empathy and compassion as you are able to create a safe and caring space for those who need it. In that same way, making others happy is your forte, whether it’s lending a helping hand or spreading positivity, you’re always ready to lift spirits.

Happy with your result?

Now that you know the best animal for you, let’s start bringing your fursona to life with a fursuit today!

bullshit personality quizzes

myers briggs (yucky)

The Myers-Briggs/Jung test is used so disgustingly and I don't take it as gospel (I don't think any personality test should be!) but back in my teens I'd take the test every now and then because it was the thing to do and indulged my navel-gazing.

Every single time I have taken the test in the past I would get 50% on E and I, I am a "true Ambivert", SO, true to every OTHER thing about myself I have to defy the rules and be the thing that "does not exist",

the undefinable, non-binary thing. Fun for me (nah really nobody fits into boxes, self analysis is fun and labels can be useful and AS MUCH AS I WISH MY BEING WASN'T IN A CONSTANT STATE OF FLUX,

You can paint me any color
And I can be your clown
But you ain't got my number
Yeah, you can't pin me down

thanks for the banger, Marina

Apparently this makes me a "diplomat"

The Mediator
quiet, open-minded, and imaginative
Mediators are poetic, kind, and altruistic people, always eager to help a good cause, they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do.

The Campaigner
outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded
Campaigners are enthusiastic, creative, and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile. These people tend to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill toward others. Their vibrant energy can flow in many directions.

whatever this is

Cattell's 16 Factor Test Results
Warmth ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Aggressiveness |||||||||||| 38%
Liveliness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78%
Dutifulness ||||||||||||||| 42%
Social Assertiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Sensitivity ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||||| 54%
Abstractness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Introversion |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Anxiety |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Independence |||||| 18%
Perfectionism |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Tension ||||||||||||||| 42%

Cattell's 16 Factor Key

Factor low score high score
Warmth cold, selfish supportive, comforting
Intellect instinctive, unstable cerebral, analytical
Emotional Stability irritable, moody level headed, calm
Aggressiveness modest, docile controlling, tough
Liveliness somber, restrained wild, fun loving
Dutifulness untraditional, rebellious conforming, traditional
Social Assertiveness shy, withdrawn uninhibited, bold
Sensitivity coarse, tough touchy, soft
Paranoia trusting, easy going wary, suspicious
Abstractness practical, regular strange, imaginative
Introversion open, friendly private, quiet
Anxiety confident, self assured fearful, self-doubting
Openmindedness closeminded, set-in-ways curious, exploratory
Independence outgoing, social loner, craves solitude
Perfectionism disorganized, messy orderly, thorough
Tension relaxed, cool stressed, unsatisfied

Take Cattell 16 Factor Test (similar to 16pf)
personality tests by

Scale Results:

Advanced Big 30 Personality Test Results
Sociability |||||||||||||||||||||||| 74%
Aggressiveness |||||||||||| 40%
Assertiveness ||||||||| 27%
Activity Level |||||||||||| 33%
Excitement-Seeking ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Enthusiasm ||||||||| 28%
Extroversion ||||||||||||||| 45%
Trust |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 85%
Morality |||||||||||||||||| 58%
Altruism |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Cooperation |||||||||||||||||||||||| 73%
Modesty ||||||||||||||||||||| 69%
Sympathy |||||||||||||||||||||||| 77%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||||||||| 75%
Confidence ||||||||||||||| 50%
Neatness ||||||||| 28%
Dutifulness ||||||||||||||| 45%
Achievement ||||||||||||||||||||| 70%
Self-Discipline ||||||||| 29%
Cautiousness ||||||||||||||| 43%
Orderliness ||||||||||||||| 44%
Anxiety ||||||||||||||||||||| 67%
Volatility |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 81%
Depression |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 88%
Self-Consciousness ||||||||||||||||||||| 69%
Impulsiveness |||||||||||||||||| 57%
Vulnerability ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 92%
Emotional Stability ||||||||| 25%
Imagination ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 91%
Artistic Interests |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Introspection ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 95%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 80%
Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 84%
Liberalism ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 91%
Openmindedness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 88%
Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Test
personality tests by

Answer Key:

Trait . low score high score
Sociability 74% socially reserved, detached friendly, open
Aggressiveness 40% mild mannered, uncompetitive predatory, domineering
Assertiveness 27% introverted, loner controlling, aggressive
Activity Level 33% relaxed, laid back vigorous, high energy
Excitement-Seeking 70% sedate, restrained adventurous, wild
Enthusiasm 28% somber, pessimistic cheerful, optimistic
Trust 85% suspicious of others trusting of others
Submissiveness 58% rebellious, lawless dutiful, obedient, compliant
Altruism 90% selfish, cold, austere helpful, selfless, indulgent
Cooperation 73% argumentitive, confrontational conflict averse, meek
Modesty 69% arrogant, self-satisfied humble, unassuming, doormat
Sympathy 77% callous, heartless empathetic, warm
Confidence 50% not confident in work confident in work, egoistic
Neatness 28% disorganized, messy planner, clean, anal
Dutifulness 45% dishonest, derelict honest, rule abiding, proper
Achievement 70% lazy, unmotivated driven, goal oriented
Self-Discipline 29% procrastinator responsible, efficient
Cautiousness 43% spontaneous, daring, reckless careful, controlled, safe
Anxiety 67% relaxed, fearless fearful, worrier
Volatility 81% calm, cool touchy, tempermental
Depression 88% content, balanced emotional, self hating
Self-Consciousness 69% confident, assured low self esteem, shy
Impulsiveness 57% high self control low self control
Vulnerability 92% resilient, unphased confused, helpless
Imagination 91% practical, realistic dreamer, unrealistic
Artistic Interests 90% artistic indifference art, nature, beauty lover
Introspection 95% not self reflective self searching
Adventurousness 80% conventional, safe spontaneous, bold
Intellect 84% instinctive, non-analytical intellectual, analytical
Liberalism 91% conservative, traditional progressive, open

Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Test
personality tests by
Materialistic 50% 54%
Offbeat 80% 48%
Thinking 55% 51%
Interpersonal 63% 56%
Vital 26% 54%
Easygoing 46% 54%
Perceived reward: (if you scored highly)
Being more attractive makes me happy
Being unconventional makes me happy
Being planned out makes me happy
Serving others makes me happy
Being alive makes me happy
Resting makes me happy
Dangerous potential flaw(s): (if you scored highly)
Elitist, shallow, fake, external validation addiction
Putting yourself at too great a risk, endangering your life
Sticking with plans/systems/routines that don't work
Being taken advantage of, ignoring self, too nice
Over contented-ness, over confidence
Sloth, lassitude, indifference
Dangerous potential flaw(s): (if you scored low)
Failure to connect to others, society, the world
Playing it too safe, being resistant to change
Inability to make or complete long term goals/plans
Refusal or inability to see other's perspective/needs
Depression, poor mental and/or physical health
Stress, strain, exhaustion, anxiety
*scores in gray are the average scores of other people who have taken this test

Although, you are encouraged to think about the MOTIV system and determine your own type, based on this test, this is where you seem to be on the six MOTIV spectrums.

Materialistic vs. Ascetic
Offbeat vs. Conventional
Thinking vs. Haphazard
Interpersonal vs. Witholding
Vital vs. Depressed
Easygoing vs. Rigid

Your MOTIV type is XOXIDX
Your MOTIV+ type is x|O|tiDr
Your Primary type is Offbeat

MOTIV+ type notation key
Uppercase Letter = Strong motivation
Lowercase Letter = Medium motivation
x = In between, on average; no preference
|?|= Your primary motivation

quzzes done feb2025