hopes n dreams for 2023
list of impotant stuff i gotta do
- goal planning stuff
- taxes and business stuff
- look into grants and speak to people about collaborative creative space
- mental illness advocacy
- health and mood tracking/bullet journalling dbt, cbt etc
list of projects i wanna do
- get pla printer working
- put site building stuff on
- update site
- organise adhd/mental health/routine resources
- organise art resources
- organise RPG resources
- finish v tube model
- set up office
- start streaming
- organise mental health drafts
- finish WIPS
- start using xPen more
- resin projects
- making keyboards
- programming raspberry pi
- vr beatsaber
- mod pc
- mod keycasp
- mod dolls - make clothes, faceups
- clay sculpting - sculpt dolls
- classes on skillshare and udemy
- /