

Doctype is a semantic used in HTML that tells browsers that your website is coded and to a valid HTML standard as opposed to older websites, who without it, are coded as 'quirky' pages.

Paste at the very beginning of your document, above 'html' and 'body'.

"HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers", Yaakov Chaikin
this info was originally on 1kb, which is unfortunately no longer active.

Alt Codes

To create these symbols:
Hold down on the "alt" key and type in the corresponding ASCII Code Number.

CHAR        CODE
CHAR        CODE
Ç           0130
É           0131
Ñ           0132
Ö           0133
Ü           0134
á           0135
à           0136
â           0137
ä           0138
ã           0139
å           0140
ë           0145
í           0146
ì           0147
î           0148
ñ           0150
ó           0151
ò           0152
ô           0153
ö           0154
õ           0155
ú           0156
ü           0159
¡           0161
¢           0162
£           0163
¤           0164
¥           0165
¦           0166
§           0167
¨           0168
©           0169
ª           0170
«           0171
¬           0172
­           0173
®           0174
¯           0175
°           0176
±           0177
²           0178
³           0179
´           0180
µ           0181
¶           0182
·           0183
¸           0184
¹           0185
º           0186
»           0187
¼           0188
½           0189
¾           0190
¿           0191
À           0192
Á           0193
à          0195
Ä           0196
Å           0197
Æ           0198
Ç           0199
È           0200
É           0201
Ê           0202
Ë           0203
Ì           0204
Í           0205
Π          0206
Ï           0207
Р          0208
Ñ           0209
Ò           0210
Ó           0211
Ô           0212
Õ           0213
Ö           0214
×           0215
Ø           0216
Ù           0217
Ú           0218
Û           0219
Ü           0220
Ý           0221
Þ           0222
ß           0223
à           0224
á           0225
â           0226
ã           0227
ä           0228
å           0229
æ           0230
ç           0231
è           0232
é           0233
ê           0234
ë           0235
ì           0236
í           0237
î           0238
ï           0239
ð           0240
ñ           0241
ò           0242
ó           0243
ô           0244
õ           0245
ö           0246
÷           0247
ø           0248
ù           0249
ú           0250
û           0251
ü           0252
ý           0253
þ           0254
ÿ           0255

this info was originally on jaded neo, which is unfortunately no longer active.